Top Of The Week

When was copyright law established?

The new law is relatively limited in scope, protecting books, maps and graphics for only 14 years. Our editors will...

Is copyright law state or federal?

Under Section 106A, known as the Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA), authors of works of certain visual arts also have...

What copyright law protects?

The following is a summary of the different types of intellectual property laws that are relevant to the permitting...

Does copyright law promote creativity?

Therefore, they are increasingly interested in exploiting and stealing the rights they already owned, and in promoting...

What is the meaning of intellectual property law?

Intellectual property law is commonly understood as an incentive for authors and inventors to produce works for the...

Are copyright laws outdated?

What Congress and the courts ultimately decide may determine how such activity continues both online and in the court of...

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What type of law covers copyright?

What type of law covers copyright?

However, lack of notice could be a relevant factor in determining the merits of an innocent infringement defense. In...


Why was copyright law created?

Why was copyright law created?

Does copyright law apply to nfts?

Does copyright law apply to nfts?

What is the current copyright law?

What is the current copyright law?